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Is Sedation Dentistry Needed for Dental Cleaning?

Is Sedation Dentistry Needed for Dental Cleaning?

Are you afraid of regular dental cleaning? Do you also prefer suffering from toothache rather than visiting a dentist? Many people, despite their mature age, prefer not to have dental treatments due to dental phobia. It is not an uncommon phenomenon. In our previous blog, we have explained 7 benefits of regular dental checkup and cleaning in Cary and Apex NC. Read along to know how sedation dentistry helps in dental cleaning.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry uses certain medications to make you comfortable during various dental treatments. It is ideal for people who have dental phobia. Sedation dentistry in Cary is used for several sedative options like nitrous oxide, intravenous, and oral conscious sedation can help.

Who Requires Sedation Dentistry?

  1. Individuals, regardless of age, can get benefit from oral sedation dentistry in Cary NC
  2. People with dental anxiety
  3. Sensitive gag reflex
  4. A fear of needles
  5. Severe tooth sensitivity
  6. Claustrophobia
  7. Decreased sensitivity due to anesthesia

What is Deep Cleaning?

Regular dental cleaning must be performed by an oral hygienist. It is an essential preventive step for patients with periodontal conditions. Periodontal conditions can enhance the chance of bone loss and gum line recession. Often periodontal conditions continue to progress without deep cleanings. Regular dental cleaning in Cary is entirely safe and has minor post-treatment complications. It also doesn't cause loose teeth and gum line attachment. If performed by an unprofessional dentist, then it can cause gum attachment conditions.

Why Is Deep Cleaning Pivotal?

  1. Removes tartar, plaque, debris build-up from teeth roots and gumline
  2. Reduces chances of periodontal disease
  3. Essential to restore a proper dental hygiene
  4. Prevents foul breath
  5. Prevents gum recession
  6. Prevents bleeding gums

3 Categories of Sedation Dentistry Offered by Sedation Dentist in Cary NC:

  1. Nitrous oxide sedation in Cary NC, or laughing gas, has a calming impact. A sedation dentist has healthy awareness about the proper dose as per the patient's requirement.
  2. Oral conscious sedation uses medications like triazolam, diazepam, zaleplon, etc. Fatigue and falling asleep are pretty common while following the procedure.
  3. Intravenous sedation is needed for people with severe dental phobia or after complex procedures. It is essential to monitor oxygen level, heart rate, and blood pressure while following the guidelines.

Is Sedation Necessary for Any Oral Treatment?

Prevention of any oral discomfort can be done effectively by sedatives. As mentioned earlier, a sedation dentist in Cary receives specific training to administer various sedative procedures as per the patient's needs. However, patients can request conscious sedation for root canals, dental fillings, and crown replacement procedures.

How Does the Patient React to Sedation?

The intensity and effects of sedation vary for every person. Despite the fatigue, one can observe the disappearance of stress, anxiety, or intrusive emotions. You will also show slow reflexes. Using nitrous oxide Sedation can temporarily cause laughing without any proper reason.


If you are looking to find the finest oral sedation dentistry in Cary NC, approach Dr. John Wayand and his efficient team at Magnolia Way Dentistry. Dr. John Wayand is a decorated oral sedation dentistry specialist. Dr. John Wayand through Magnolia Way Dentistry has been serving the community in Cary NC for decades now. Call us at 919 362 5777 to arrange for an appointment with Dr. John Wayand.

Dr. John Wayand

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